Search Results
Stihl 661c Cutting Big White Oak Firewood
Cutting Down A GIANT Veneer White Oak Tree (My Biggest Tree with Stihl 661c)
Stihl 661c 25" Cutting White Oak Firewood|Cleaning Up The Woods
HUGE White Oak Tree Dies and Is Cut Down in No Time at All!!!
Stihl 661 Cutting a Hard Maple and White Oak
Cutting down big white oak by power lines with chainsaw & wedges. Premium Firewood & saw logs! #23
Tree's being felled for harvest. Stihl 661 logging. Post Oak,, White Oak, Red Oak, Hickory.
Stihl 661c Bore Cutting a Nice White Oak #shorts
Stihl 661C Cutting Big Pin Oak Firewood
Bore cutting white oak 3
Cutting a Nice White Oak in the woods with Stihl 661c
Stihl 661c Cutting a Hollow Oak